Sunday, January 21, 2018

Avalon for Evaleigh

I wanted to make something special for my two new grand-nieces. My silk inventory included 2 silk scarves, 35" square each. As I waited for an inspiration, one morning I woke up with these words:

 In the beginning, when God created (name of child), 
He smiled and said, "This is My beloved in whom I find great delight. 
I have loved you with an everlasting love. 
I have drawn you with loving kindness. 
And lo, I will be with you always, even to the end of the age."

So I had the words and the material, but no design.

When I charted the words around the edge of the scarf, I was pleased to see the serendipity that the words fill perfectly without any manipulation.

Now, what to do with the BIG middle piece, especially since I didn't have a frame to work on such large pieces of fabric? One of my great-nieces is in the States for just a little while longer, so I started with hers.

Following the muse, I set up a design with her initials and the date of her birth.When I applied the 3 colors I chose, I was very disappointed that my plan failed. It was a big mess! I thought it was a total flop. Until my abstract artist friend Kate came over. Since she had no attachment to the way it SHOULD look, she was able to see what was THERE.

Do you see a face?
In person, this resembles a mountain lion with a heart for a nose.

Background on this little girl's family: her parents are Christian missionaries in Uruguay. 
A family favorite is C.S.Lewis's Tales of Narnia, a series of allegories where Christ is represented by a lion named Avalon.

In my world, what I understand is that my human design was trumped by a Bigger Design, One called Avalon who will be watching over this little girl in her travels and her life.

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